Whisper Beauty's Tai Chi Garden Sketching in the Garden
An artist friend of mine told me once that becoming an artist is really just training yourself how to see. Today, I took the time to really see the garden in front of me. Perhaps they still look like stick figures, but I was amazed at how much there was to see when I really looked.

I came to the garden with a friend, and I told him that I planned to spend the day here. We made our first trip through the garden paths, then found a nice shaded bench to read. I did some Tai Chi and we meditated together.

After a while, my friend said, "Well, we've seen it all, what do you want to do now?" I laughed gently. "We haven't seen all of the garden yet." He was convinced that we had walked all of the paths. I asked him to trust me, and we walked back through the garden, slower this time, and we found many little nooks and side paths we hadn't noticed the first time through. I just smiled sagely as he was amazed at the end of our wandering the garden paths. "We would have missed so much if we had just gone through once!"

I think life is like that. So many people rushing so fast they don't really see.

Walk with me. Enjoy my garden. Wander the paths a second time and see how much more there is to see.   -- Whisper Beauty

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